Saturday, June 9, 2012

Work life balance

Trying to get it right this week has been a struggle.
4 late shifts finishing at 11pm- or later, and I am a bit tired.
Really inspired by the June SewCal Gal challenge, wanting to do some machine quilting desperately, and having no energy or time.
I did stitch some postcards which need to be stitched around this afternoon -to send to a friend, have had a few lovely sleep ins, and bought a sexy new red dress today to wear to  party! All that going to the gym is paying off.

pre hanging

My bundle which is part of Tricia Smouts Artist in Residence at the Botanic Gardens is coming along nicely. Some mould and lots of colour run, obviously the bean vine is a good place to be. Sorry the pics are sideways.
hanging for about 6 weeks

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