Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hanging bundles

The artist in residence at the Brisbane Mt Coot tha Gardens is Tricia Smout. My group has made some paper/fabric bundles to hang - some at home and some at the gardens, today I went in search of the bundles, Tricia is having an exhibition so it was a good day to go. I came across my friend Carmel there too, so off we went armed with a map!
This is what we found! not to be deterred, Carmel is a sprightly 70 something... over we went... and found the bundles hanging.

bundles in the distance to the left of the seat
Just as we had got ourselves out of the roadworks- the workmen returned from their lunch! lucky escape

posing under the tree my bundle is next to my head!
 We plan to do something with these bundles when they are ' matured' maybe a book or piece of art to hang at Tricias final exhibition in November.
The bundle in my own garden seems to be disintegrating more than the Botanic Gardens one, maybe mine is more in the open. Keep posted for news of the next project with bundles.

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