Now I am on holidays for 2 very short weeks, I have done the June SewCal Gal challenge. Inspired by Joan's cream concoction, I searched the 'odd fabric drawer' and found a piece of silk - a nice golden colour. A random curvy line and some lovely pink thread and I was off.
The batting is 2 layers, one wool and the other Mountain Mist polyester. I have noted many quilters using 2 layers, of course here in Queensland we do not need heavy quilts, but for a small art picece 2 layers is just fine. It is 43 cm x 34 cm - as that was the size of the fabric I found.
Such fun, of course Jackson Browne did his bit belting out classic songs in the background.
starting out |
threads |
Several brands of thread, added to by Judy at the local shop with some Superior metallic- thanks Judy for the use of your thread.
Some adjustment still needed in the centre to balance the light and dark. I really enjoyed this piece, and will finish it to make a small quilt then who knows. Maybe some beads might balance it?
half done |
a little more |
I am not entirely convinced about the very centre design, might need some tweaking...
ready to face |