I am in the planning mode, the annual Queensland Quilters Exhibition is on next week. I have been clever enough to win a prize! not sure exactly which one, but am very happy as I am in the profesional category, and the competition is tough.
I have volunteered to demonstrate at the Art Quilt able Wednesday, and the Machine quilting table Friday.
This means a bit of prep work.
The art quilt day will be making soft bookcovers, these are drawing books, and will be fun, bright and funky, they will be given to the craft stall at next years school fair.
I usually use Pellon or similar because it gives a bit of definition to the machine quilting, so out to the shop soon.
books for covering |
I have some wonderful bright threads, including 'Brytes', a Superior thread product, its lovely and thick, and bright and looks great, they are the neon ones inthe box.
threads at the ready! |
Hari Walner quilting design |
This is the next planning bit, I am going to do some work on a friends quilt for the machine quilting demo, lucky me that she has plenty of tops to be quilted, it is soft pinks and blues so the quilting should show well and be a good quilt to demo on.
It requires some feathers- which I can do with not much thought and talk at the same time! The Hari Walner design will be in the centre and then have radiating feathers freehand in the next border, with some pebbles maybe and vines?
Just got to start the middle and draw some guide lines.
a game gone wrong |
My love for Scrabble took a wonky turn a few weeks ago, we went to Brunswick Heads to camp, I bought another board as I have a very posh one that really should stay home and not go camping. This new game has the correct number of letters but the wrong sort - x = 4, s=6, n =2 and v =1 . An interesting concept, a bit funny when the xxxx came out! trying to contact Mattel is proving harder than I thought, might have to just buy an old set from Vinnies to get the right letters.